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周添  刘菲 《岩矿测试》2021,(3):358-364
克百威和3-羟基克百威是一对典型的农药母体及其代谢产物,由于其水溶性高、毒性大,可通过地表水或地下水进行长距离迁移,对人类健康和环境安全造成危害。以往通常采用液相萃取或固相萃取的方式提取样品中的克百威和3-羟基克百威,但这些方法操作繁琐、耗时较长,不利于室内模拟实验中多组样品的检测。为实现克百威与3-羟基克百威在地下水中的快速定量,本文建立了一种小体积液液萃取的前处理方法进行提取,并采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)进行检测,对影响克百威和3-羟基克百威萃取效率的因素进行了研究。通过实验对比不同萃取剂、不同pH、不同离子强度条件下克百威与3-羟基克百威的回收率,优化了前处理条件。结果表明,选择二氯甲烷作为萃取剂且用量为1mL,调节水样pH=5,氯化钠用量为40g/L时克百威和3-羟基克百威的回收率最高,分别为75.1%~98.6%、55.0%~66.3%。性能评价结果显示,方法精密度和方法准确度满足测试要求(相对标准偏差10%,n=5),克百威和3-羟基克百威的方法检出限分别为15.3μg/L、10.2μg/L。该方法操作简便、快速、消耗溶剂少,与传统的液液萃取法相比,本方法耗时约为前者的1/8,消耗溶剂量约比前者小2个数量级,能够满足室内模拟实验需求。  相似文献   
本文针对黄土地区地质灾害调查与评估需求,探索了一种基于无人机倾斜摄影影像和飞控数据的滑坡单体信息多维提取的方法。通过影像处理获得的DEM、DOM和实景三维模型等多维数据,对贾家村滑坡坡形、坡度、相对高差、植被覆盖率、纵坡比降、表面积与物源体积进行定量提取,结合区域气象数据分析了贾家村滑坡年均降雨量时空分布规律,利用相关地质资料分析了其地层岩性特点和区域地质构造情况,为准确评定其稳定性及危险性提供既高效又准确的定性、定量参考依据。  相似文献   
作为土地环境质量的一项重要指标,石油类物质含量决定了土地的用途。对于复垦土地样品,在一定程度上反映了污染土地的复垦、治理效果。土壤样中的石油类物质测定方法主要有气相色谱法、红外分光光度法、紫外光谱法等。气相色谱法主要应用于测定样品中的饱和烷烃;红外分光光度法通过测定不同波数下的特征吸收值来表征样品中石油类物质,但采用四氯乙烯为溶剂,试剂环境危害大,前处理效率低,检出限高。本文针对复垦土地样品中石油类物质含量不高,组分多为难挥发且结构复杂、基质干扰大的特点,采用正己烷为溶剂、加速溶剂萃取(ASE)前处理,荧光分光光度计测定样品中的石油类物质。以海洋环境监测石油标准物质为标准样品配制工作曲线,线性相关系数r~2=0.9997;方法检出限为0.40mg/kg,检测下限为1.60mg/kg;实际样品方法精密度为1.10%~8.76%;基质加标回收率为89.0%~95.7%;检测实际样品的结果与现行有效的HJ 1051—2019红外分光光度法基本一致,高含量样品的测定结果高于红外法。本方法所用溶剂正己烷的毒性小于四氯乙烯,前处理方法ASE的自动化程度高,萃取效率高,精密度提高11.5%~67.3%。对于石油类组分结构相对复杂、难提取的样品,本方法检出限低于红外法(4mg/kg)。  相似文献   
郝世俊  殷新胜  方俊 《探矿工程》2021,48(S1):173-180
碎软煤层在我国煤矿区分布广泛,具有瓦斯含量高、压力大、渗透率低等特征,在碎软煤层中钻进存在喷孔、塌孔、排渣不畅等问题,导致碎软煤层钻进困难、孔内事故频发,进而影响成孔深度和成孔率,造成瓦斯治理盲区;尤其是随着我国煤矿开采深度的增加,碎软煤层瓦斯抽采孔工作量和成孔难度不断增大。针对碎软煤层瓦斯抽采对钻孔施工需求,研究开发了高转速螺旋钻进工艺、中风压空气钻进工艺、气体定向钻进工艺等实用、经济的碎软煤层高效钻进技术,破解了碎软煤层钻孔排渣护孔、轨迹控制和高效成孔等方面难题,实现了碎软煤层钻孔在服役周期内的长效利用,相关技术在安徽、贵州、山西等地区成功推广应用,达到高效、精准抽采的目的,为矿井安全生产提供了技术保障。  相似文献   
针对岩石颗粒边缘模糊、结构复杂的特点,为了更有效地识别颗粒边缘,在基于特征值的C3相干算法的基础上,融合多尺度和多角度的特征表达,提出了一种改进的C3相干算法。该算法综合考虑岩石薄片图像角度域光学特征、空间尺度信息和各向异性信息,能更有效地表征颗粒边缘特征,表现出对复杂矿物结构的适应能力。在采集的岩石薄片正交偏光图像上验证提出的算法,实验结果表明,与原生C3相干算法相比,改进后的C3相干算法在全局图像上的方差和灰度差分乘积分别提升了68.41%和22.91%,信息熵下降了21.61%。  相似文献   
The selection of a suitable discretization method(DM)to discretize spatially continuous variables(SCVs)is critical in ML-based natural hazard susceptibility assessment.However,few studies start to consider the influence due to the selected DMs and how to efficiently select a suitable DM for each SCV.These issues were well addressed in this study.The information loss rate(ILR),an index based on the informa-tion entropy,seems can be used to select optimal DM for each SCV.However,the ILR fails to show the actual influence of discretization because such index only considers the total amount of information of the discretized variables departing from the original SCV.Facing this issue,we propose an index,infor-mation change rate(ICR),that focuses on the changed amount of information due to the discretization based on each cell,enabling the identification of the optimal DM.We develop a case study with Random Forest(training/testing ratio of 7:3)to assess flood susceptibility in Wanan County,China.The area under the curve-based and susceptibility maps-based approaches were presented to compare the ILR and ICR.The results show the ICR-based optimal DMs are more rational than the ILR-based ones in both cases.Moreover,we observed the ILR values are unnaturally small(<1%),whereas the ICR values are obviously more in line with general recognition(usually 10%-30%).The above results all demonstrate the superiority of the ICR.We consider this study fills up the existing research gaps,improving the ML-based natural hazard susceptibility assessments.  相似文献   
文本理解是人工智能的一个重要分支,其技术推动了人与计算机之间在自然语言上的有效交互.为了让计算机准确地理解和感知文本数据,文本特征提取是最为基础和关键的步骤之一.基于此,本文介绍文本特征提取研究的发展历史,以及近年来主流特征提取的方法,并对未来的研究方向进行展望.首先,介绍语义最底层的词级表示;接着,总结在词级表示基础上衍生出的句级表示上的研究进展;随后,介绍比词级表示和句级表示更高层的篇分析;最后,通过文本特征提取的一个典型应用——问答系统的介绍,阐述文本特征提取的最新方法和技术在问答系统上的应用,并对未来的研究方向做了展望.  相似文献   
Over the past two decades, “illegal” natural resource extraction has become a significant driver of environmental change and social conflict across the Global South. In response, numerous Sub-Saharan African states have engaged in governance reforms that heed calls to securitize – or, establish and consolidate state control over – natural resources. In Ghana, securitization has served to entrench the informal economy as domestic producers, marginalized in the process of reform, continue to utilize non-state institutions to maintain access. While the Ghanaian state has branded “illegal” resource extraction a major environmental, social, and national security concern, it has responded to this threat unevenly; it has violently enforced its authority in some contexts but remained relatively indifferent in others. This article explores the phenomenon of selective enforcement to explain patterns of violence that have emerged between state and society in response to both securitization and informality. Drawing on a multimethod approach, I find that natural resource governance authority remains fragmented across resource contexts, and that the configuration of authority and interests on the ground shapes the extent of state intervention. I propose a natural resource typology that identifies when the state is most likely to enforce its authority, and the degree of violent conflict likely to result. Ultimately, I contend that domestic patterns of enforcement are shaped primarily by: 1) competition with local power holders over resource entitlements and 2) global conservation and extraction priorities. While specific to Ghana, this argument can provide important insights into the relationship between informal extraction, state enforcement, and social conflict in other Global South contexts.  相似文献   
为了解决带电作业时手臂末端输出力的准确控制,提出一种基于表面肌电信号(sEMG信号)和支持向量机回归(SVR)实现对手臂末端施力的评估方法.通过手握机械手臂末端的手柄,做往复推拉运动,记录此时手柄处的力传感器的数据F,同时利用3组肌电信号传感器同步采集手臂的肌电信号.将肌电信号提取特征后,与力F组合成样本集合S,在样本集合中随机抽取50%的样本数据作为训练集,分别训练BP神经网络、GRNN神经网络以及SVR神经网络.最后用训练好的神经网络对整个样本集中的力F进行预测,并用均方根误差和相关系数评估模型的预测效果.结果显示,SVR神经网络的预测效果较好,其均方根误差为3.074 0,相关系数为0.951 7.  相似文献   
Chabahar Bay in SE of Iran is a shallow semi-enclosed environment affected by anthropogenic activities. In this paper, 19 sediment samples were collected and concentration of selected metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Cr, Co, V and Fe) was determined using ICP-MS analytical method. Sediment samples from five stations were also selected for sequential extraction analysis and concentration of metals in each fraction was determined using ICP-OES. In order to investigate the environmental quality of Chabahar Bay, geographic information system (GIS) along with geochemical data, environmental indices and statistical analyses were used. Calculated contamination degree (Cd) revealed that most contaminated stations (Ch3, S1 and S3) are located SE of Chabahar Bay and contamination decreases in a NW direction. The S9 station, west of the bay, is also contaminated. High organic matter (OM) content in the sediments is most likely the result of fuel and sewage discharge from fishing vessels along with discharge of fishing leftovers. Significant correlation coefficient among OM, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd seemingly reflects the importance of the role that OM and Fe oxy-hydroxides play in the metals mobility. The results of hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), computed correlation coefficient and sequential extraction analysis suggest that Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd probably come from antifouling and sea vessel paints, while Ni, Cr, Co, V and Fe are most likely contributed by ophiolitic formations located north of the bay and/or deep sea sediments. Average individual contamination factors (ICFs) indicated that the highest health hazard from the bay is posed by Cu, Pb and Zn.  相似文献   
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